
Welcome to our blog! Here, we will regularly share articles about RIMU, covering various aspects such as RIMU usage tips, design concepts, and technical implementation. In addition, we will also publish the articles on social platforms such as Medium and Instructables to share our insights with a wider community. If you have any comments or suggestions, please feel free to contact us. We look forward to your valuable feedback.

PWM SW 5 Module Control LED Stripes
Multi-channel LED strips are divided into two types: common anode and common cathode. Common anode strips typically have only one + pad and multiple –

The general information of rimu modules
Overview Communication between the RIMU host and modules is primarily achieved through the I2C bus,

The Keyboard Function of Rimu
Keyboards are essential in our daily lives. Most users position their left hand on the keyboard while using their right hand for the mouse.

RIMU: Bridging the gap between humans and technology
Design Philosophy In our increasingly connected world, we often encounter situations where off-the-shelf solutions don’t meet our needs.