Prototype v0.2

In V0.1, we established the rough prototype of the product, but there were some problems which we not satified, and after intense discussions, we developed V0.2

  • The infrared head-up volume is too large, which affects the overall appearance on the host, and the angle is fixed, it’s not easy to use. so cancel it.
  • Power switches, USB and other interfaces on the right side of the host will cause problems with the layout of the circuit board

v0.1 -> v0.2

  • Move IR to an extension module.
  • changed pogo pin from 14pin to 20pin
  • Add copper nuts on the back
  • rearranged the position and number of magnets
  • Add a 1/4 standard connector on the top for mounting expansion devices, such as IR remoter, camra module.


We made two additional pcb for testing the IO extender, and power manage.

ATTiny 1616

use attiny 1616 as extender mcu, handle indicator, beep, motor and interrupt.


The small for testing power ic functions.