Author: haiyan zhang

Unit Conversion

Unit Conversion-Different Unit of Measurement Function of Unit Conversion Built-in unit conversion chip, the input millimeter unit measurement value is displayed on the screen, and the equivalent value in inches is immediately seen on the screen after calculation. How to perform: Identify the conversion factor: This is the ratio between the two units you want to convert. For […]


Ruler- Measure Length or Distance Function of Ruler A display module features a Ruler function that allows users to measure the length or distance between points on the screen. A ruler’s primary function is to measure length. It typically has a straight edge with markings (usually in centimeters or inches) that allow you to determine the distance between […]


Calculator-Mathematical Calculation Function of Calculator It can be used as a Calculator. This is a basic tool for performing mathematical calculations, allowing users to input numbers and operations on a display module. The interface features buttons for numbers, operators, and functions. Users tap on these buttons to input numbers and operators, which are then processed by a […]

Prototype v0.2

Prototype v0.2 In V0.1, we established the rough prototype of the product, but there were some problems which we not satified, and after intense discussions, we developed V0.2 The infrared head-up volume is too large, which affects the overall appearance on the host, and the angle is fixed, it’s not easy to use. so cancel […]

Prototype V0.1

Prototype V0.1 The ideas The first version implemented some functions but also found some other problems. These problems need to be improved in the later designs. Please check the V0.2 for more information. Modular product structure Customized POGO Pin Adsorption with magnets With IR transceiver window Dimensions are set at 132x32mm Hardware The switch and indicator are […]

Prototype v0.0

Prototype V0.0 In the early days, we decided to use acrylic to make the outer frame of this product, but this would result in the appearance of the product appearing relatively cheap, and we did not consider the addition of batteries and other modules in the later stage. We made two verison pcb, the 1st […]